A little something I made for myself, as I am very fond of unicorns and cameos, and the two of them together simply make my mind SNAP with joy
This can be worn as a choker, on the skin, and over a shirt, for which I found the romanian term "jabou" [but I got to look into the matter when I have the time]
Am folosit dantela neagra, margele negre fatetate, camee crem pe baza albstru inchis, montat in cadru argintiu si trei margele crem.
I've also made two rose rings. Again, I am very fond of roses (hence my rose tattoo which is slightly visible in the pic above:) ), so I use these elements quite frequently.
Trandafirasii (unul verde-mint, altul albastru deschis) sunt montati pe cadre reglabile cu aspect de bronz antichizat. Sunt de vanzare, pretul unuia fiind de 10 lei
I've also made the bracelet :) Bratara are trei randuri de margele multifatetate, negre, si este ajustabila -25 lei
*the green one's no longer available*
detail of one ring
NU ma puteam abtine nici de la a face un choker simplu dar sobru, potrivit oricarei tinute from elegant to fantasy, from romantic to goth, from rock to plain funeral attire :D
Chokerul este din paglica satinata neagra, cu pandant cabochon negru; este ajustabil. *SOLD*
chokerul s-ar "intelege" bine la set cu bratara de mai sus, dar pot fi cumparate separat. Pretul chokerului este de 25 de lei.