vineri, 19 octombrie 2012

Opiate Dreams Victorian Gloves

 Fingerless lace gloves, in black and a lovely shade of purple
Detail : black rose and big ribbon bow
                                                           Can make to order- 50 lei

miercuri, 17 octombrie 2012

Steampunk bracelet

 Steampunk bracelet made from salvaged parts of an old watch as well as other elements: chains, wings, spikes and rhinestones

marți, 16 octombrie 2012

Gothic Lolita Choker

Gothic Lolita choker in various shades of purple
Choker is made of purple ribbon with overlaid black lace, purple ribbon, cameo detail with resin rose and  faceted glass drop

Chokerul este ajustabil- 35 de lei


Baroque inspired hairpiece

Black and white baroque-inspired hairpiece.
White ribbon, black lace, detail of cherub and violin, and three little faux pearls to complete the look.
Made this for myself, but can make to order ^^
Can also be worn as a brooch or made part of a choker

vineri, 12 octombrie 2012

I like it...ruff! ^^

I've just managed to snap a decent pic of my latest pride and joy. Inspired by Elizabethan collars or ruffs, I put together this little piece, sewn entirely by hand (how else?).
Some better pics as well as pics with it worn should follow soon ^^

joi, 11 octombrie 2012

Mourning Necklace

Colier cu pandant camee, trandafir negru aplicat si trei dropuri negre din sticla.
Colierul este ajustabil

miercuri, 10 octombrie 2012

Victorian earrings

Cercei cu camee violet -15 lei

Lady of the Flowers necklace

Colier cu pandant, montat pe lant cu aspect de bronz antichizat.
Pandantul este pictat manual, si are cabochon (lucrat tot manual, evident :)) ) cu o imagine cu Anna Varney, si un trandafir negru aplicat.
Colierul este ajustabil - 25 lei

marți, 9 octombrie 2012


Necklace and ring, made to order
Can make something with any image you desire
For details contact me :)

luni, 1 octombrie 2012


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