Incepand de azi pana la inceputul lui Octombrie voi fi in vacanta, as I am returning to the endless and barren fields of my hometown, Alexandria for a few weeks, deci nu am sa mai preiau si trimit comenzi pana atunci, but I'll be back. Cel mai probabil voi fi deconectata de la internet, dar daca vreti sa comandati ceva and be sure you get it, write me an e-mail and I shall read it upon my return and promptly reply. Until then, kisses to all and have a stormy, gloomy and melancholy Autumn!:*
*** have a few, very few days of vacation left. Saptamana viitoare am sa uploadez modele noi de accesorii si cateva hainutse. Keep an eye on the blog (: ***
[chokerul din poza face parte din colectia mea personala, si nu cred ca l-am postat pe aici pana acum]
[imi cer scuze pentru poza neclara]