joi, 9 septembrie 2010

Trinket Boxes

What better place to store your gothic jewelry than these two cutesy goth trinket boxes?
Cutiutsele sunt pictate manual.

Cutie in forma de inimioara, cu diverse simboluri argintii, cum ar fi panze de paianjen, cruci and even a cute spider!

Cutiutsa neagra, dreptungiulara, cu pernutsa lila.
Cutia este pictata manual cu diverse simboluri : a red gothic cross on the top, the sign of Jusa on the back lid, coffins, celtic and aegyptian crosses, cobwebs and so on. Ah, si versuri din Poe. Hihi...

Cutia dreptunghiulara include pernutsa, dar nu si pandantul. That is not for sale.

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