marți, 24 februarie 2015


Since the coming of Spring always puts me in a stellar mood, I thought I'd share my joy with you through a new tiny giveaway.

Acesta se desfasoara incepand cu astazi, 24 februarie, pana pe 25 martie inclusiv, urmand ca pe 26 martie sa anunt un castigator / o castigatoare.

Puteti alege de data asta intre un colier cu craniu de pasare (real), un set format din colier si inel cu inima anatomica, un colier stil rozariu cu o cutie toracica si vertebre de pasare (reale), si un colier cu luna plina :D

Good luck! Daca aveti sugestii sau intrebari, always feel free to drop me a line :*

IMPORTANT!  The giveaway is open to non-facebook users as well, , if you share this picture along with this description and my blog link via your personal :

+ blog
+ website
+ instagram
+ tumblr (you can also reblog the tumblr post of this giveaway)

For those of you who choose to enter the giveaway as such, please send me an e-mail with the link of your post to :

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